ABC Challenge - Author · ABC Challenge - Title · B.A.N.G 52 Book Challenge

Reading Challenges

I have decided to do 3 reading challenges to help me meet my goal of 365 books this year. I have most of the books for these planned out as of writing this but I have not decided whether or not I want to release the lists for them yet.

I will however, be posting the reviews and updating weekly on my progress for each challenge. This is to help keep me accountable. As of writing this, I haven’t read any books for any of the three challenges yet, but seeing as it is only Monday I still have time.

The three challenges I have decided to do are:

  • ABC Reading Challenge – by title
  • ABC Reading Challenge – by author
  • B.A.N.G Book Club 52 Book Challenge

The ABC Reading Challenges are where I go through each letter of the alphabet and read a book that’s title/author begins with a letter. I have decided to do one by title and another by author’s first name. I will probably not be going in order though. I wrote each of these lists out, but will read whatever suits my mood at the time.

The B.A.N.G Book Club 52 Book Challenge is hosted by a group I am in on Facebook. The group is ran by Booksmacked Book Blog. They have 52 prompts listed and the challenge is to read one book that fits each prompt. I always see amazing recommendations in this group so I decided to join their challenge this year. (I have all but a couple of books picked for this challenge).

Book challenges have always seemed like a fun idea for me, but I always seem to venture off due to going through phases of reading only certain types of books for a bit. It was always easier to just go with the flow on what I want to read. This year though, since my overall goal is so high I think book challenges will help me hit it easier. I tried to cover all of my usual types when I made my lists.

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